utorak, 5. kolovoza 2014.

Adjastuble dumbbells

An adjustable dumbbell set preserves more than just cash. Adjustable dumbbell sets take out the need for several static dumbbells and save you that precious room. An adjustable dumbbell set or two is a magnificent addition to any home exercise room. In general, dumbbells are one of the best ways to exercise. They add versatility and variety where other equipment cannot. You may be having problems picking the proper adjustable dumbbell set that will work the finest for you. This article will show you three features you need to look at before buying an adjustable dumbbell set.

Weight Change Speed

The weight change speed of an adjustable dumbbell set is incredibly valuable. If you cannot adjust the weight setting on your dumbbells in the time it would take to put down regular dumbbells and pick up a different set, then that adjustable dumbbell set is too sluggish. Adjustable dumbbells should make regular dumbbells look ineffective. If adjustable dumbbells are slower, why purchase them? There are many weight changing methods with the adjustable dumbbells on the market now. The Powerblock models have a pin method to switch the weight of each dumbbell. The Bowflex SelectTech models use a dial on each side of the dumbbell to change the weight.

Adjustable dumbbells have came a long way and nearly all of them change weights with no trouble. They are generally extraordinarily quick as well. Some are quicker than others, which may be imperative to you. If you like doing intense cardio together with dumbbells and want to adjust weights promptly, you will require an adjustable dumbbell set that adjusts quicker. The point of cardio is to reduce the break time that you have connecting your workout intervals. If you struggle to change the weight on your dumbbell, it will eliminate the intensity. When strength training, the haste of the weight change probably isn't focal at all. You would just have to obtain a heavy-duty model that isn't known to fail when having heavier weights.

Dumbbell Stand

Most adjustable dumbbell sets have optional racks that you can purchase to put your dumbbells on. But do you actually need one? If you have a bad back, a rack is probably something you will need. Also, if you are getting a heavy adjustable dumbbell set, picking them up off the floor may be a tough task. Various adjustable dumbbell sets come with a stand also. Make sure to add the expense of the rack of each model in your research and comparisons.

Weight Settings

This may be the most critical factor for buying an adjustable dumbbell set. Obviously you will need more weight if you are very strong. There are also light models made for people that can't lift as much weight. There are models for people in between as well. Knowing your fitness goals will help you pick the right adjustable dumbbell set.

Milo Martinovich is a fitness devotee as well as a freelance writer. He owns a website called Best Adjustable Dumbbells. On the blog he reviews fashionable adjustable dumbbell sets like the PowerBlock Classic Adjustable Dumbbell Set.

Four Benefits of Adjustable Dumbbells Over Traditional Weights

When's the last time you've been up in the attic, or looking in a closet and seen old dumbbells sitting there collecting dust. These dumbbells are too heavy for you to use now, or maybe you have since gotten so strong that you have no use for those dumbbells. If this is a problem then adjustable dumbbells are for you. Buying individual dumbbells is a waste of money, and in today's economy wasting money just can't be afforded.
You can have dumbbells from the range of about 5 to 110 pounds all with one purchase (some can be found for as low as 30 dollars). If you bought all those dumbbells separately you are looking at hundreds of dollars. With adjustable dumbbells you just turn the dial to your desired weight and pick up the weight to being working out.

If you want to buy various dumbbells, this will take up tremendous space, not to mention it being a safety hazard to children running through the house. With adjustable dumbbells you can set them in one central location and go from there.

Lets assume that for two months you have been working out with the same 25 pound dumbbell. The more you use the 25 pound dumbbell it begins to get easier and easier, so you decide its time to use heavier weights. However its hard to decide what you want, you could buy a 30 pound weight, but you could get too strong for this dumbbell too quickly. But you go ahead and buy the 30 pound dumbbell anyway and just like you figured you grow out of the dumbbell within a month. So to accommodate this you have to go buy a 35 pound dumbbell. You can see where this is going. For all three dumbbells you could be expected to spend around 30 dollars! If you had just went and both a adjustable dumbbell then all of that hassle to get stronger could be avoided.

Unlike dumbbells which can break easily through enough corrosion, adjustable dumbbells are more durable. The adjustable dumbbells you buy tomorrow will look the same three years from now. You will almost never see a warranty on a regular dumbbell as well, however you can usually get a warranty with adjustable dumbbell. So why not give adjustable dumbbells a "go"; they are cheaper when it comes to value, they save space, and will last you the rest of your life as you become stronger.

Choosing the Best Home Gym

When your time is limited, or you have schedule conflicts throughout the day, you don't want to forego the opportunites and benefits ofa great workout! Exercise and conditioning are key to your general health, mental well-being, and performance in other areas of your life. Invest some of your time to taking care of your health, and the benefits are very rewarding both in the short and long-term. Even if going to a gym or health club doesn't work for you, there are many opportunities to choose from various equipment and machines for your own home gym. Creating an at-home experience for a workout and schedule is fun, exciting, and flexible; you can have workout equipment available whenever you want or need, and can customize your workouts to suit you best! The pressure and hassle of making a trip to the gym are completely negated; what better incentive to work out than knowing that now you really don't have any excuses?
The best home gym for you can vary from a variety of machines, one or two key training pieces, or a complete home gym system. There are a variety of cross-training machines such as the Bowflex, Iso Flex system, and different models offered by companies such as Body Craft and Multi Sports. These are generally all-in-one machines that offer core training. Strength training, specific muscle group and target areas, and cardio workouts are often different components of these machines. These types of machines are stable, durable, and will last at least 2-3 years with average use. Cross-training machines like these are akin to those found in health clubs and gyms, but they are made for single, at-home usage. You will benefit most from these if you can combine your training with a cardio workout; these machines are great, but they are not effective without a sensible diet and overall body sculpting program.

One or two key training pieces are the 'norm' for independent bodybuilders and workout enthusiasts. These can range form dumbbell sets, barbells, benches, and single ab machines. These exercises are considered foundational exercises; they are the 'raw' exercises performed to train specific muscle groups. When combined, you can create your own cross-training regiment and get a complete and thorough workout. Remember to incorporate cardio training, even if it is only minimal.

Adjustable dumbbells are those that you usually see on racks; they are high on the list for versatility. Since the weights can be adjusted to your needs, you can vary the duration and challenge of each and every workout.

You may want to invest in an Olympic barbell as well; these are ideal for overall back, shoulder, and sides training, as well as squats and lunges. The weight on the Olympic barbell can vary, so do be sure to hcoose one that is comfortable, but still challenging.

The standing calf raise machine and ab machine are two vital pieces for overall conditioning. The standing calf raise machine will strengthen and tone your calf and lower leg muscle, and you can adjust the weight on these in most cases. Ab machines are terrific workouts when you have minimal time; these will help you strengthen your core, improve your posture, and create a nice sleek look. The ab machines can be floor-based (i.e. with rollers), or a complete machine with weights that require you to bend forward. Choose the machine or piece of equipment that you will be most comfortable using in the long-term; remember, you are creating your own unique home gym experience, and only want items that will motivate you!

High pulley rows can be used to strengthen shoulder and back muscles, and variations can enable you to strengthen biceps and lower arms as well. This is an addition to your home gym that can really target often-overlooked areas, so choose a piece that you know you will use on a consistent basis.

Home gyms will of course fluctuate in price depending on how extensive they are and what specific equipment you are looking for. Overall, complete home gym systems range from $500+, while individual equipment pieces can range from $300+. Today all workout and bodysculpting enthusiasts can enjoy from a variety of prices and manufacturers; do shop around, and try every piece at the store's factory outlet or comparative shopping area to make sure you are comfortable. All equipment will be delivered to your home, so you can easily enjoy the benefits of your home gym experience!

4 Body Toning Dumbbell Exercises for Women

As a personal trainer for whom most of my clients are overweight women, I recommend the following dumbbell exercises for women who are interested in toning their bodies.

Standing alternate dumbbell lunges provide excellent health benefits for women. Perform this exercise with a three to five pound dumbbell. Lunges exercise the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteus maximus muscles.

Perform this exercise in an open space or area where you have room to lunge forward. It may help to perform this exercise in front of a mirror to check your posture and form. Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand with hands lowered by your sides.

Keep your chest erect and spine straight while stepping the right foot forward, bending the knee 90 degrees until it's just above the ankle. Step back into the starting position and repeat this exercise on the left side. Complete 10 to 20 repetitions and perform two to three sets.

Standing alternate biceps curls help strengthen the biceps. Perform this exercise with three to five pound dumbbells. To begin, stand with feet hip-width apart. Place a dumbbell in each hand and lower arms to your sides.

Lift the right hand, bending the arm at the elbow and bring the dumbbell to the right shoulder. Your palm should face your chest. Hold the dumbbell for a count of three before lowering the weight. Repeat this exercise on the left side. Perform up to 12 repetitions, for one to three sets for maximum results.

Exercise the rotator cuff using a five pound dumbbell. Sit on a gym bench sideways. Place your feet flat on the floor with knees bent to a 90 degree angle. Pick up the dumbbell in your right hand, and place your left palm on the left thigh.

Your right elbow should be bent at approximately a 90 degree angle and drawn toward your left biceps to begin this exercise. Raise the dumbbell up and across your chest until it's near but not touching your right thigh.

Pause momentarily and then return the dumbbell to the start position. You can repeat this exercise for up to 10 repetitions. Remember to engage your abdomen while performing this exercise, and keep your chest erect.

You don't need heavy weights to perform an effective bench press. Most people envision men lifting their body weight and more when performing the bench press. An effective bench press can be performed using 20 pound dumbbells.

You can perform this exercise at home on a stability ball, or at the gym using an exercise bench to support your back and shoulders. Your back, head, and shoulders should rest on the bench or ball. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, raise each arm until it's directly over your head. Your wrists and palms should be facing away from your body.

Inhale, bending your elbows, lowering your arms to your chest, and push the dumbbells back up again. By moving slowly through this exercise, your muscles will work harder and tone up.